Tutorial Tuesday: Mastering the Art of Back to School

Tutorial Tuesday: Mastering the Art of Back to School

Welcome to this week's Tutorial Tuesday, where we embark on a creative journey to master the art of "Back to School" preparations! As summer's warmth begins to wane, the air is filled with the anticipation of the upcoming back-to-school season. For parents and kids alike, this time of year can be a delightful mix of excitement and challenge. As a mom of three school-aged children, I understand the importance of making the back-to-school experience both memorable and stress-free.

The back-to-school season marks a fresh start, where students take on new academic adventures, discover their passions, and build lasting memories with friends. However, as parents, it can also be a time filled with mixed emotions – pride for our children's growth and eagerness for them to succeed, yet also a tinge of nostalgia as we watch them grow up so fast. As we delve into this week's tutorial, I want to help you make this back-to-school journey an unforgettable one. We'll explore various creative and artistic ways to prepare for the upcoming academic adventure, from personalized school supplies to inspiring home decor that fosters a positive learning environment.

So, let's dive in and master the art of "Back to School" together! Whether you're a parent, a student, or simply a lover of creativity, these ideas will surely make this time of year an enriching and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Creating an Optimal Study Environment at Home

As the back-to-school season approaches, one of the most crucial aspects for students' success is having a conducive study environment at home. A well-designed study space can significantly enhance focus, productivity, and overall academic performance.

  • Designate a Study Space: Having a dedicated area for studying can work wonders for concentration. Choose a quiet corner or room in your home where your child can focus without interruptions. Whether it's a cozy desk tucked away in their bedroom or a designated study nook in the living room, having a specific spot for learning will help establish a routine and mentally prepare them for schoolwork.

  • Keep Track of the Ins and Outs: Your child will soon start to come home every day with an overwhelming amount of papers. Set up a plan for them now. Have a designated spot paperwork that must be returned to school goes (such as homework or permission forms), another spot those papers move to when completed, a spot for important informational flyers, and a final area for completed school work. Children should be involved in this process and able to sort their papers themselves when they come home from school. Discuss with them how to determine which finished school work to save or display and which ones can go into the recycle bin.

  • Minimize Distractions: Creating a distraction-free zone is essential for effective studying. Consider the layout of the study space and ensure it is away from the TV, high-traffic areas, or noisy appliances. Encourage family members to be mindful of study hours and maintain a quiet atmosphere during those times.

  • Personalize the Space with Custom Decorations: A well-decorated study area can inspire creativity and motivation. Reach out to Artsome for custom-made decorations that can add a personalized touch to the study space. Whether it's vibrant wall art, inspiring quotes, or unique decorative pieces, we can help create an environment that resonates with your child's interests and passions, making their study space truly their own.

Establishing a Back-to-School Daily Routine

Creating a consistent daily routine for your kids is paramount to help them adjust smoothly to the upcoming academic year. A structured schedule not only fosters a sense of stability but also instills good habits that can lead to improved focus and overall well-being.

  • Set Consistent Wake-Up Times: Start by establishing a consistent wake-up time for your child each morning, even during the summer break. Gradually adjust the wake-up time to align with the school schedule, ensuring they get enough rest and wake up refreshed. Consistency in wake-up times helps regulate their internal clock and sets a positive tone for the day ahead.

  • Plan Regular Meal Schedules: Designate specific times for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and try to stick to these timings daily. A nutritious and well-balanced diet is vital for your child's growth and cognitive development. A structured meal schedule also promotes discipline and can be an opportunity for family bonding. Check out our Meal Prep Monday posts for assistance with your weekly dinner plans!

  • Set Time for Academic Work and for Play: Some kids prefer getting their school work done as soon as they get home while they’re still in the school mindset. Some need a break to play before school work is done. Whichever works best for your child, set up your schedule around it. Include motivational breaks as needed and vary your playtime between free play and structured play.

  • Schedule Time for Reading: Whether the school assigns reading or not, reading is one of the most important things you can do for mental growth and development. Reading should be a fun activity your child looks forward to, not something they’re forced to do. They can read, listen to an audiobook, or you can use this time to bond and read to them. It all counts!

  • Establish a Bedtime Routine: Create a calming bedtime routine to ease your child into a restful night's sleep. Engage in relaxing activities such as reading a book together, meditating, or doing light stretches. Limit screen time at least an hour before bedtime to help them unwind and prepare for a good night's rest.

Mini Tutorial: Create a Schedule Clock

Managing the chaos of after-school routines just got easier with this simple DIY project. Craft a color-coded clock that empowers kids to stay on track, visualize their tasks, and establish a smoother bedtime routine. Follow these steps to streamline your daily schedule:


  1. Wall Clock
  2. Permanent Markers (1 for each activity)
  3. List of Activities


  1. Unlock the Clock's Potential: Begin by removing the back of the wall clock to access its face.

  2. Color Your Time Blocks: Use permanent markers, assigning one color to each activity. Color in time sections for homework, play, dinner, bath, and bedtime. Kids can follow the movement of the hour hand to see where they are in the schedule.

  3. Restore the Clock: Carefully put the glass back onto the clock face.

  4. Activity List with a Twist: Print out your activity list and circle each task with the corresponding color used on the clock. This creates a helpful key for easy reference.

  5. The Finishing Touch: Hang the list by the clock for quick access and a clear overview of the day's schedule.

Extend the Routine: Don't stop there! Extend the concept to mornings by crafting a morning version of the clock. Include tasks like waking up, having breakfast, brushing teeth, getting dressed, etc. Keeping both clocks side by side offers an all-encompassing schedule for kids, enhancing organization and simplifying routines.

With this creative time-management tool, you'll empower your children to take charge of their daily activities, fostering independence and reducing the stress of transitioning between tasks.

Organizing School Supplies

A clutter-free and well-organized set of school supplies can make a world of difference in setting the tone for a successful academic year. In this section, we'll share helpful strategies to avoid last-minute panics and ensure your child is well-equipped for the first day of school.

  • Reach Out to the School or PTO for Supply Lists: Start by reaching out to the school or Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) to inquire about classroom supply lists. As individual teachers often have specific needs, obtaining the list in advance allows you to be well-prepared with the right supplies, saving you from unnecessary stress later on.

  • Stock Up on Essentials: Some school supplies are universally essential, and having them in abundance can prove invaluable throughout the year. Pencils are a prime example of this. Invest in a good supply of pencils, as they are always in demand and tend to disappear mysteriously. To add a special touch, consider purchasing custom engraved pencils from our shop, ensuring your child's name is beautifully etched on each pencil, reducing the likelihood of losing them.

  • Utilize Storage Solutions: Invest in storage solutions such as pencil cases, organizers, and labeled bins to keep the supplies neat and easily accessible. Having a designated place for each item reduces the chances of misplacing or losing important tools.

  • Categorize Supplies: Organize the supplies into categories to further streamline the process. For instance, group together writing materials like pens, pencils, and erasers; place notebooks and folders in a separate section, and keep art supplies in a designated container. This way, your child can quickly locate what they need without rummaging through a chaotic mess.

Artful Packed Lunches: A Palette of Healthy Delights

As parents, we strive to provide our children with nourishing and delightful meals that fuel their bodies and minds throughout the school day.

  • The Colorful World of Fruits and Vegetables: A balanced and nutritious lunch includes a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, each offering a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Incorporating a variety of colors in your child's lunch not only ensures a diverse nutrient intake but also adds a playful and artistic touch to their meal.

  • Look at Japanese Bento Boxes: Japanese Bento Boxes offer an enchanting way to turn packed lunches into edible works of art. These compartmentalized lunch boxes allow for creative food arrangements, making each meal an exciting experience for your child. Parents can arrange fruits, vegetables, and other healthy snacks in fun shapes and patterns, sparking curiosity and delight in their little ones.

  • Encourage Creativity: Get your child involved in the lunch-making process. Together, you can brainstorm creative ways to arrange the food in the Bento Box. Consider using cookie cutters to shape fruits and vegetables into stars, hearts, or animals. Your child will feel a sense of pride and enjoyment in their lunchtime creations.

  • Reduce Waste with Reusable Containers: As we embrace the artistry of packed lunches, let's also consider sustainability. Opt for reusable Bento Boxes and eco-friendly containers, reducing single-use plastic waste and promoting environmental consciousness.

Embracing Extracurricular Activities

A well-rounded education extends beyond the classroom, and encouraging children to explore extracurricular activities can have a profound impact on their overall development.

  • Unleashing Hidden Talents: Extracurricular activities provide a platform for children to discover and nurture their hidden talents. Whether it's through sports, music, or art, these activities offer an avenue for self-expression and creativity, allowing children to build confidence and a sense of achievement.

  • Enhancing Social Skills: Engaging in extracurricular activities exposes children to diverse social settings and helps them develop valuable interpersonal skills. Through teamwork, collaboration, and shared passions, they learn the importance of communication, empathy, and cooperation.

  • Balancing Academic Demands: Participating in extracurricular activities creates a healthy balance between academic demands and leisure time. These activities act as stress-relievers, providing an outlet for children to unwind, relax, and develop resilience in facing challenges.

  • Fostering Passion and Commitment: Exploring various extracurricular activities allows children to identify their passions and interests. As they find activities they genuinely love, they learn the value of dedication and commitment, laying the foundation for perseverance and goal-setting in their lives.

Interested in a Monthly Children's Art Class? Leave a Comment!

At Artsome, we believe in the power of art to inspire and nurture creativity in children. If you're interested in seeing a monthly children's art class hosted by our business, we'd love to hear from you! Leave a comment on our social media platforms, expressing your enthusiasm for a monthly art class, and let's make this creative journey together. Your feedback and engagement fuel our passion for fostering art appreciation and expression among the young minds in our community.

As we conclude our journey through "Mastering the Art of Back to School," we hope you're feeling inspired to make this academic year a truly special and enriching experience for your child. By incorporating creativity, organization, and well-rounded development into the back-to-school preparations, we can set the stage for success and fond memories.

As parents and educators, let's join hands in fostering a love for learning and creativity in the young minds around us. Embrace the magic of artful learning, vibrant school supplies, and packed lunches that nourish both the body and the soul. Together, we can make this back-to-school season one that your child will remember fondly for years to come.

Thank you for joining us in this week's Tutorial Tuesday. We look forward to embarking on more creative journeys together in the future. Wishing you and your child a wonderful and successful back-to-school season filled with art, joy, and endless possibilities. Let's make this year truly artsome!

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